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Relationship Chart Relationship Charts and Degrees of Separation - As an amateur genealogist, I’m still learning about definitions, numbering systems, degrees of separation, resource citation, and research strategies. We’ve all heard of the “Kevin Bacon’s Six Degrees of Separation” theory that suggests any two people on Earth are six or fewer acquaintance links apart. In genealogy, a Cousin, of course is someone with whom you share a common ancestor at least two generations away from you (grandparent or above). Once you go beyond the first cousin relationship, it can become confusing. Basically, to determine the degree of the cousin relationship, find the closest ancestor you share in common, then count the number of generations between you and your cousin and that common ancestor. The graphic on the right explains how it plays out in genealogy and illustrates the concept nicely.

Family History: May, 09, 2024

Family Births

On 1585-05-09, Andrew JOHNSTON is born in St Nicholas Parrish, Aberdeenshire, , Scotland
On 1605-05-09, Thomas Hugh HOLLAND is born in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, United States
On 1852-05-09, John GREENLEE, of Philadelphia is born in Aston, Delaware, Pennsylvania
On 1853-05-09, Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS is born in Duplin, North Carolina, United States
On 1898-05-09, James Silas HELMS is born in Franklin County, VA
On 1905-05-09, Benjamin Hobson BRYANT is born in Virginia, USA

Family Deaths

On 1756-05-09, Martha MORRIS dies in Woodstock
On 1862-05-09, John HELMS dies in Ohio, USA
On 1863-05-09, Helen Elizabeth TWYMAN dies in place unknown
On 1864-05-09, Mary CORN dies in Winchester, Franklin, Tennessee, USA
On 1882-05-09, James HELM dies in Floyd, Floyd, Virginia, United States
On 1965-05-09, Claude MCGUIRE dies in , Morgan, Kentucky, USA
Paternal Line Maternal Line



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