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On Wishes, Goals, and Plans

by | Nov 16, 2019 | Family History, Genealogy

Genealogy Project Plan

To take this genealogy and family history project seriously, and to get beyond fanciful ideas and lofty goals, I’ll need to create a plan and implement it. And having enjoyed keeping a bullet-journal in the past, I’ll present my project in an online bullet-journal format, wherever possible. I find the bullet journal format creatively presents both qualitative and quantitative data in a digestible way as I venture through the less exciting parts of my research. As with any goal, success comes with planning, which requires defining goals into actionable results by way of a project.

A goal without a plan is just a wish– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

If the insightful quote from Saint-Exupery has any credence, then plan I must. So, I’ll periodically post status updates on the various projects that contribute to my research. Some projects will take years to complete, and others I should finish in the upcoming months. I figure if I share my plans, I’ll be more accountable for their implementation…let’s see if that works.

Project Updates:
I’ll create snapshots and post updates for in-flight projects at the end of each month to track my progress. The updates will incorporate some bullet journal like project trackers which combine project management with info-graphic features…just to make it fun.So far, I have these projects in the pipeline:

  1. Family History
    1. Roots & Leaves Website: Design and Develop the Roots-and-Leaves.com website. The website will serve as my online bullet journal essentially.
    2. Family Interviews: Conduct a series of interviews with my family to capture family information from primary sources.
    3. Photo Digitization: Scan and digitize all family photos (35mm slides and photo prints) in phases.
    4. Family History Narratives: write family history narratives based on research.
  2. Genealogy
    1. TNG Genealogy Portal: Genealogy web application to capture, share and manage ancestry data.
    2. Genealogy Research: Ongoing genealogical research to build the family tree with facts and sources.
  3. World History
    1. Historical Research: Ongoing historical research to develop a backdrop from which to contextualize family history.
    2. Social History: Ongoing social history research to develop a backdrop from which to contextualize societal aspects family history.
    3. Comparative History: Ongoing comparative historical research to develop a backdrop from which to contextualize family history.


Family History

Family Births

On 1608-05-01, Hans Wyshans SCHMIDT is born in Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
On 1634-05-01, Hannah JACKSON is born in London, England
On 1670-05-01, Elizabeth WHITE is born in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States

Family Deaths

On 1589-05-01, Gratia SHUTLEWOORTHE dies in Whalley Parish, Lancashire, England
On 1698-05-01, Hester WAKEMAN dies in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States
On 1718-05-01, John BURNETT II dies in South Farnam Parish, Essex, Virginia, United States
On 1885-05-01, William Fisher HOWARD dies in place unknown
On 1931-05-01, Robert Davis TWYMAN dies in Fulton, Georgia
On 2003-05-01, Elizabeth Gilley KINCHELOE dies in place unknown
On 2005-05-01, Briggs Leon TWYMAN dies in Lubbock, Lubbock, Texas, United States
Paternal Line Maternal Line



  • Genealogy Portal
      Search genealogical information related to the Greenlee, Murillo, Twyman and Claros families. Please contact us if you think we're related and can help each other in expanding our ancestry trees.