, Newspapers.com - The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sun, Mar 25, 1928 - Page 1 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Philadelphia Inquirer, 25 March 1928).

Source Information

  • Title , Newspapers.com - The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sun, Mar 25, 1928 - Page 1 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Philadelphia Inquirer, 25 March 1928). 
    Short Title Newspapers.com - The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sun, Mar 25, 1928 - Page 1 
    Repository www.newspapers.com 
    _BIBL . Newspapers.com - The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sun, Mar 25, 1928 - Page 1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Philadelphia Inquirer, 25 March 1928. 
    _SUBQ , Newspapers.com - The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sun, Mar 25, 1928 - Page 1
    Source ID S88 
    Linked to Samuel Aloysius GREENLEE